Advanced Biofuels

Advanced biofuels – how are they different from regular biofuels?

Both biofuels and advanced biofuels are manufactured from organic materials (plants, organic waste). They are a green alternative to petroleum products in seeking to reduce the use of the latter and promoting the use of renewable resources, thus creating a cleaner environment.
Regular biofuels are manufactured from various nutritive cultures (sugar, rape, etc.). Nonetheless, such biofuels, despite being better than petroleum products, have a negative effect on the environment. Growing raw materials for manufacturing biofuels does not contribute to the reduction of dangerous greenhouse gases, and raw materials used for their extraction could be used for other purposes (e.g. food or fodder).
Advanced biofuels are manufactured from biodegradable waste generated in agriculture and food industry. Being organic, this kind of waste does not compete with nutritive cultures. At the same time, it allows for solving the problem of waste by using it for developing new products. Hence, this is an environmentally friendlier way of extracting biofuels.
Sustainable Recycling
All biologically degradable waste from various sectors (agriculture, industry, food production) may be used for manufacturing advanced biofuels, thus ensuring the use of waste for developing new products.
Green Transportation Solutions
With the help of gas purifiers, biogas is cleansed to obtain biomethane, a cleaner alternative to natural gas that can be supplied to trunk gas pipelines and used as advanced biofuels in transportation sector, thus reducing its negative effect on the environment.
Organic Ecological Waste
The processed material that remains after extracting advanced biofuels is odourless organic fertiliser that can be further used in agriculture.
Cleaner Environment
Recycling biologically degradable waste by closed fermentation reduces emissions of environmentally harmful greenhouse gases (GHGs). Using the products derived during this process – advanced biofuels and organic fertilisers – in the agriculture and transportation sectors which have a significant negative effect on the environment also contributes to GHG reduction.